Mr. Scofield
Contact Me: [email protected]
Students with an interest in law enforcement, law and the state and federal court systems, and all areas of the corrections field, including jail, prison, probation and parole, will have the opportunity to explore the criminal justice system on both the state and federal levels. This program offers two courses, each of which is one semester long.
Criminal Justice I provides an overview of the three elements of the criminal justice system (police, courts and corrections). Guest speakers are brought in from the criminal justice field to provide students with a glimpse into numerous occupations within the criminal justice system. Students are taught to identify, roll and lift fingerprints, as well as basic defensive tactics and handcuffing techniques.
Criminal Justice II offers a more in depth look into the three elements. A field experience component allows students the rare opportunity to observe actual court proceedings in both General District and Circuit Court in Botetourt County. In addition, students will engage in various activities at the Botetourt County Sheriff’s Office and the local probation and parole office.
Occupations: Local, state and federal law enforcement; Lawyer; Probation Officer; Judge; Security Officer; Correctional Officer; Warden
Typical Salary in Virginia: $32,000 - $100,000+ depending on education level and specialization
Employment Outlook: Employment opportunities in the criminal justice field are consistently plentiful, as there is a need, particularly in today’s climate, to fill positions in all areas of the field.